Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

Sleepbot Wecker App für Android und iOS

Link zur Android App        Link zur iOS App

TOP: Tolle Idee und schönes Design. Zudem kann man seine Geräusche im Schlaf aufzeichnen und sich viele interessante Statistiken  bzgl. seiner Schlafgewohnheiten anzeigen lassen.

FLOP: Die deutsche Version dieser Wecker App hat einige Probleme mit Zeilenumbrüchen etc., was das eigentlich sehr schöne Design leider etwas zerstört. Ob man mit dieser Wecker App tatsächlich besser wach wird, ist eher typabhängig - mir hat es nicht wirklich geholfen. Zudem ist die Bedienung der App etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.

Gesamteindruck der Wecker App: ✦ ✦  ✦ 

Meine Wecker App Kriterien zum Vergleichen:
  • Schönes Design: 
  • Viele Features: 
  • Einfache Bedienung: x
  • Schneller wach: 
  • Schöner Morgen: 
  • Werbefrei: 
  • Kostenlos: 
Legende: x nicht gegeben;  gegeben;  neutral

▻ Hier geht's zur Übersicht aller Wecker Apps zum Vergleichen!



    (Bildquelle der Screenshot: Google Playstore & eigene Screenshots)


Diese Wecker App versucht, Dich genau dann zu wecken, (innerhalb eines Weckzeitraums, den Du einstellst) wenn Du gerade nicht in einer Tiefschlafphase bist bzw. wenn Du gerade etwas aktiver und somit wacher bist. Das soll das Aufstehen vereinfachen. Wie gut das funktioniert, muss allerdings jeder für sich mal ausprobieren. Die Idee gefällt mir auf jeden Fall sehr gut und da diese Wecker App auch kostenlos ist, kann man das Ganze für sich einfach mal ausprobieren. Toll an dieser Wecker App finde ich, dass man sehr viel über das "Schlafen" lernen kann, denn die App stellt zum einem interessante Statistiken zum eigenen Schlaf bereit und zum anderen gibt es noch zusätzliche Informationen wie beispielsweise Einschlaf- und Wachbleibe-Tipps etc. Wer mag kann auch seine Schlafgeräusche mit dieser Wecker App aufzeichnen lassen. Kurz um: Einfach mal ausprobieren - kostet ja nichts!

9 Kommentare:

  1. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  2. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  3. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  4. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  5. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  6. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  7. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.

  8. WakingNews Alarm Clock app
    WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.


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